Dan Week!
It is Dan Week! And as this Dan Week is coming to a close, we must honor the Dans that came before us. So we've created a list of the top 10 Dans, Daniels, and Dannys. There were only a few rules: 1.) The person had to primarily be known as "Dan", "Daniel", or "Danny". 2.) The person had to be famous enough to have a Wikipedia article written about them. 3.) They had to have done at least one awesome thing during their lives.
Click on the links below to find out who made the cut!
Top 10 "Dans"
Dan is a classic name. It harkens back to a simpler time. There are a lot of Dans in the world, but there can only be one "Top Dan". The votes have been cast, and the top 10 Dans remain. Click on the beautiful image above to find out who takes the title of "Top Dan"!
Top 10 "Daniels"
Coming Soon
Top 10 "Daniels"
This is the place for the Top 10 Daniels of all time. Most "Dans" and "Dannys" are technically "Daniels", but most Daniels don't even have the balls to hold on to their god given name. Click the image above to find out which Daniel reigns supreme.
Top 10 "Dannys"
Coming Soon
Top 10 "Dannys"
"Danny" is a moniker used by many "Daniels" in the world, but amazingly enough, not a lot of professionals. In fact, some of the best "Dannys" of all time are fictional. Shocking! Click the image above to find out which Danny climbs above the rest to claim his prize.